Balasana, commonly known as Child’s Pose, is a simple yet powerful yoga asana often practised in various yoga routines and
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10 Benefits Yoga Poses for Men, Women, and Kids
To come up from the Indian continent, Yoga has come forth to act as a Magic wand to heal people
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Embarking on a journey of becoming a yoga teacher is one of the most exhilarating things of your life. So,
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One of the most frequently asked questions is what is the best age to join yoga teacher training?? Am I
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Yoga is an ancient practice that brims with several health benefits but is it actually good for weight loss?? Yoga
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Practising yoga asana is an integral part of a 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. Asana is the effective
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Stress has become the worst epidemic for health in the twenty-first century. Thanks to modern lifestyle, a lot has changed
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When we talk about balance in this chaotic world which is strangely a very elusive word. Balance is something everyone
Continue reading »10 excellent yoga poses for knee pain
Knee pain sounds a very minor problem but it is a very acute problem and very common in today’s lifestyle.
Continue reading »The best place to learn Yoga in India
The ancient discipline of yoga was originated in India thousands of years ago. Here yoga is not just a practice,
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