yoga for fat loss

Effective yoga poses that helps in weight loss

Unwanted fat deposits are often difficult to get rid of. They not just give you a voluminous figure but also lower your self-confidence. You start worrying about how you look to the world and often feel dejected when you fail to fit in your favorite dresses. Moreover, heavy bodyweight invites many health issues. Hence, it is important for everybody to shed those extra kilos and stay fit.

Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga is one of the oldest fitness tradition discovered by great Indian sages and still considered as one of the best fitness forms all across the globe. Many peoples who practice yoga have reaped its immense health benefits. Yoga not only helps you in losing weight but also relieve you from the stress that comes with it.

Listed below are some best yoga poses for weight loss in a natural way.

  • Surya Namaskara: 

One of the most basic and popular yoga for weight loss and flexibility. It is a series of twelve yoga poses that focus on every part of your body. It is one of the best cardio workouts if done on a moderate pace and makes you sweat. It stretches your muscles and warms your muscles at the same time. It develops heat in your body and at the same time, tone and stretches your body muscle to give you that slim and well-toned figure. Practice Surya Namaskara daily on a moderate pace and see that flab disappear from your body.

How to do sun salutation or  Surya Namaskar steps and benefits

  • Trikonasana (Triangle):

triangle pose

Although Trikonasana won’t make your muscles experience rapid movements, it will help you with great abs. Trikonasana stretches and open your hips, hamstrings, calves, and shoulders. And, also strengthen your arms, ankles, legs, and chest. The twisting movement involved in this yoga asana will help in improving digestion and reducing the unnecessary belly fat. Moreover, this pose can aid in building more muscles, triggering fat burn.

  •  Navasana (The boat poses):

boat pose

Who doesn’t want a flat stomach and great abs? If you want to lose fat from your stomach, waist, and hips without any side effects, then Navasana is the best yoga pose for you. Daily practice of Navasana helps you to shed that extra belly fat safely and also strengthen your abdominal muscles and give you that strong core you have always wished for. Apart from that, Navasana also gives you relief from back pain and improves the functioning of the kidney and liver.

  •  Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand): 

One of the most advanced yoga poses in Hatha yoga; it is filled with many health benefits. Sarvangasana helps you achieve all-round wellness and body fitness. It helps in digestion, controls thyroid, and increases the overall body strength. It even aids in strengthening your upper body and abs. Moreover, it also eliminates sleep problems and breathing issues. Sarvangasana if performed correctly, also tones your legs and glutes.

Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) :  steps, benefits and Precautions

  • Parivrtta Utkatasana (Twisted Chair) : 


Parivrtta Utkatasana is a highly recommended yoga pose for weight loss. It eliminates the extra fats and gives you great looking abs. Also, it strengthens your abductor, hips flexor muscles, front things, and gluteus muscles. This yoga asana also helps to obtain an improved lymph system and digestive system.

  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Forming):

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

If you love to tone your thighs and abs and strengthen your shoulder muscle, then bridge pose is best for you. The bridge forming pose works well for thyroid and weight loss. If you are beginners then bridge pose is one of the easiest yoga for weight loss and toning.  It helps in toning the thigh muscles and keeping the belly happy by improving digestion. Apart from it, there are many advantages of bridge pose. It relieves you from stress, blood pressure, and early symptoms of menopause.

  • Dhanurasana (Bow Pose):

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

The Dhanurasana is great yoga to burn that belly fat. It targets the extra pounds of fats deposited in the belly and melts them off. It even helps in strengthening the chest, back, and thighs. Moreover, it gives a good massage to your abdominal organs, improving digestion. However avoid practicing this asana if you are suffering from blood pressure, migraine, or an injury of the neck and recently undergone through abdominal surgery. So it is advisable to inform your 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh instructor early; so that they can let you pass from this pose or arrange some modification to it.

Weight loss can be a tough procedure, but with these yoga poses, you can achieve your desired figure quite effectively. Also, for weight loss, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Do not continue practicing any unhealthy food habits. Extra oily, too spicy, and immensely sweet food can prevent yoga from showing up its effects. So along with yoga, you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle for effective weight loss.

Also read : 

Verious types of yoga and its benefits

Best Yoga Poses To Practice In The Morning

What are Props in Yoga and Why Do We Use Them?

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